{ "_id": "http://culture.si/en/Special:URIResolver/Klub_Channel_Zero", "csi:Map": [ "http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lon=14.51672&lat=46.05715&zoom=17&layer=mapnik" ], "csi:Logo": [ "File:Klub Channel Zero (logo).svg" ], "csi:Town": [ "SI-1000 Ljubljana" ], "rdf:type": [ "Article", "Articles maintained by Anže Zorman", "Clubs", "FEATURED", "FERTIK", "HAS LOGO", "HAS MAP", "http://semantic-mediawiki.org/swivt/1.0#Subject", "INFOBOX DONE", "Music", "Music venues", "NODEPO", "NOT ROBOT", "NOVERIFY", "PHOTO", "PROOFREAD DONE", "Venues", "WRITING DONE" ], "foaf:name": [ "Klub Channel Zero" ], "csi:Region": [ "SI-1" ], "rdfs:label": [ "Klub Channel Zero" ], "swivt:page": [ "//www.culture.si/en/Klub_Channel_Zero" ], "csi:Contact": [ "Klub Channel Zero" ], "csi:Country": [ "About Slovenia" ], "csi:Page_ID": 1894, "vcard:email": [ "mailto:info@ch0.org" ], "csi:Category": [ "Clubs", "Music", "Music venues", "Venues" ], "csi:Logo_url": [ "http://www.culture.si/images/b/b4/Klub_Channel_Zero_%28logo%29.svg" ], "csi:TownName": [ "Ljubljana" ], "csi:Has_query": [ "http://culture.si/en/Special:URIResolver/Klub_Channel_Zero-23_QUERY055b9b592f8355f800874cb924645cbc", "http://culture.si/en/Special:URIResolver/Klub_Channel_Zero-23_QUERY2438b0767773f224559622b3c9cd661a", "http://culture.si/en/Special:URIResolver/Klub_Channel_Zero-23_QUERY44b077aa3938bd4386c0ee263dfdbfe8" ], "csi:TeaserImg": [ "File:Club Channel Zero 2008 Metelkova Photo Janez Slamic.jpg" ], "foaf:homepage": [ "http://www.ch0.org" ], "csi:Managed_by": [ "KUD Channel Zero" ], "csi:TeaserText": [ "Situated in Metelkova mesto Autonomous Cultural Centre, the army barracks-turned-cultural complex located in the centre of Ljubljana, Klub Channel Zero is run by the non-governmental organisation KUD Channel Zero (arts and culture association), which has been active in the field of independent culture since 1993." ], "dc:description": [ "Situated in [[Metelkova mesto Autonomous Cultural Centre]], the army barracks-turned-cultural complex located in the centre of Ljubljana, [[Klub Channel Zero]] is run by the non-governmental organisation KUD Channel Zero (arts and culture association), which has been active in the field of independent culture since 1993." ], "vcard:latitude": [ "46.0572" ], "vcard:locality": [ "SI-1000 Ljubljana" ], "csi:Established": [ "1993.0" ], "csi:Revision_ID": 218663, "vcard:longitude": [ "14.5167" ], "csi:Category_slo": [ "Klubi", "Glasba", "Prizorišča" ], "csi:Page_creator": [ "User:KBot" ], "rdfs:isDefinedBy": [ "//www.culture.si/en/Special:ExportRDF/Klub_Channel_Zero" ], "csi:TeaserImg_url": [ "http://www.culture.si/images/e/eb/Club_Channel_Zero_2008_Metelkova_Photo_Janez_Slamic.jpg" ], "vcard:postal-code": [ "SI-1000" ], "swivt:wikiNamespace": [ "0" ], "csi:Facebook_account": [ "https://www.facebook.com/ch0.org/" ], "vcard:street-address": [ "Metelkova 4" ], "swivt:wikiPageSortKey": [ "Klub Channel Zero" ], "csi:Number_of_revisions": [ "20.0" ], "csi:Modification_date-23aux": [ "2.45843e+06" ], "swivt:wikiPageContentLanguage": [ "en" ], "swivt:wikiPageModificationDate": [ "2018-11-06T10:34:01Z" ] }